Monday, January 26, 2009

So You're Running Away to Africa...

...will you be blogging about it?

It's a travel blog. I'll try to post photo albums weekly, and publish entries more frequently than that. We'll see how that goes... 'nuff said.

Right now I am not traveling, I am still on campus hurriedly preparing to leave, which is to say, sleeping a lot and watching all of the internet TV I can before I lose the amazingly high-speed University wireless. I'm also reviewing the Swahili I learned last year (off the top of my head, I can only remember how to say I come from California and I like to go to the Wawa), and getting really excited about the crazy animals in my Behavior Guide to African Mammals. Civit? Tree Hyrax? Aardwolf? Awesome!

I'll be flying out on Friday, and may update around Sunday. Until then, I won't really have anything substantial to say about anything other than New Jersey weather or British Airways, and that's not what you all come here for.

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